The Myth of the Hard Bed

The Myth of the Hard Bed

One of the major misconceptions people have when choosing a mattress today is that they confuse the word firm with supportive. We now know that a bed that is too firm creates an inflexible and unsupportive mattress, forcing your body to conform to it. A firm bed not only creates pressure points that inhibit circulation but also makes it virtually impossible to align your spine.


Graphic of a Hard bed and a Soft bed

A mattress that is too firm does not allow your shoulders and hips to sink in. A firm mattress will work against your body, causing your shoulders and hips to buckle inward, forcing your spine into an unnatural position. The pressure from this inhibits circulation and can create intense pressure on your lower back.


Graphic of The DUX bed

A mattress that is too soft does not give you adequate support. Your body ends up in a hammock position causing your shoulders and hips to pinch in, resulting in a curved spine. As with the firm bed, this curvature puts pressure on your lower back and can cause your muscles to tighten up.


The goal of every bed is to align your spine to help alleviate back pain and to distribute your weight evenly to maximize circulation. Every component of our high performance sleep system is designed to deliver correct sleep posture. This position is only possible if your body is supported along its entire length in a way that allows your spine to rest in a natural position while loosely perpendicular to your hips and shoulders. The only way your back can completely relax is when your spine is supported in this position. 

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