Here’s How Not to Sleepwalk

Here’s How Not to Sleepwalk

Known as Somnambulism in medical terms, sleepwalking is a disorder where a person gets out of his or her bed and starts walking without waking up. Although pop culture has used this sleep disorder in murder mysteries and thrillers, and even for comic relief, the condition must not be taken lightly. It is even suggested, not to wake up the person who is sleep-walking; otherwise, he may suffer sudden shock. 

What is the possible cause of sleepwalking?

The condition occurs mainly due to sleep deprivation, poor sleep habits, and abnormal sleep schedules. Stress and anxiety also cause restlessness and promote sleepwalking. Those who take sleeping pills to relax the mind or certain medications for particular allergies also sometimes sleepwalk. In some cases, sleepwalking is hereditary, which means there is a chance of you to sleepwalk if anyone in your immediate family has this sleep disorder. Neurologists also link sleepwalking to restless leg syndrome, anxiety, panic attacks, sleep apnea, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and cardiovascular diseases.

What are the symptoms of sleepwalking?

Apart from walking in sleep, other sleep disorder symptoms include talking during sleep, reciting the day’s activities, screaming due to sleep terrors, and inappropriate behavior during sleep like urinating (common in children) and becoming violent (common in adults). According to sleep experts, it can be difficult for the sleepwalker to wake up or to be woken up.

What can you do to stop sleepwalking?

According to Sleep Foundation, you can prevent walking in sleep by improving the sleep environment. Visit a sleep specialist for different treatments like hypnosis to cure sleepwalking. As sleep deprivation is the most common cause of sleep disorder, invest in comfortable mattresses and quality down comforters. To create a soothing, cozy sleep environment, daily make your bed and decorate it with bed accessories such as down comforter throws. You can even light some scented candles or take a long hot shower before going to bed. Ensure that you sleep in a comfortable position and are not experiencing any pressure on the back, neck, hips, and shoulders. 

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